
All requests for comment and media requests should go to

  • Statement on International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Transphobia 2024

    Call for Mandatory 2SLGBTQ+ Curriculum Guidelines and Mandatory Training for all Education System Actors

  • Rainbow Strengthens Community Through Joy: Discover Rainbow’s 20+ events planned for Pride season

    Press Release: Rainbow Resource Centre launches Pride season with a resource to keep track of the 20+ events it's hosting or partnering in throughout Pride season.

  • Collective Joy: Five Ways Rainbow Inspires Joy and Strengthens Community

    From May 15 - June 28, Rainbow Resource Centre is hosting or partnering in 20+ events designed to inspire joy. At a time when those who wish harm to the 2SLGBTQ+ community and are working to undermine the hard won rights of 2SLGBTQ+ people, the idea of joy may feel quaint or inappropriate. But it's at times like this that joy can be the secret to building resilience and strengthening community. At Rainbow, all of our staff, work tirelessly to create space for 2SLGBTQ+ Manitobans and our allies to gain the knowledge, develop the networks, and find the peace that are critical to resisting and existing. We talked to five of Rainbow's team to learn how their work brings joy to 2SLGBTQ+ Manitobans and why that's so important - not just at Pride, but all year.

  • Rainbow Goes to Churchill

    On an unseasonably warm Friday March 29th, Dene (he/they), our School Equity Inclusion Coordinator, and Tia (they/them), our Youth Support Counsellor, boarded a plane to still-snowy Churchill, Manitoba. Upon arrival they were greeted warmly by local residents who were thrilled to have Rainbow Resource Centre so far north to work with their community.

  • Job Posting: Counsellor

    Rainbow Resource Centre is seeking applicants for the position of Counsellor.

  • Place of Pride

    Find out all the exciting news about Place of Pride—the first 2SLGBTQ+ campus in Canada, a comprehensive hub where people of all ages and stages of life can access programs and resources, build a supportive community, gather for special occasions, and find affordable housing when they get older.

  • Sure Sign of Spring: Return of Rainbow's Camp Coordinator.

    Sure Sign of Spring: Return of Rainbow's Camp Coordinator. Story about Alice Charles, Rainbow's Camp Coordinator returning to prep for summer camp season.

  • Place of Pride - Housing Applications Now Open

    Rainbow Resource Centre's new Place of Pride is Canada's first affordable housing for 2SLGBTQ+ older adults. Applications are finally open. Download yours now.

  • Job Posting — Training & Education Coordinator (Seniors & Healthcare)

    Rainbow Resource Centre is seeking applicants for the position of Training & Education Coordinator (Seniors & Healthcare)

  • Camp Aurora Cabin Leader Applications Now Open!

    Cabin Leaders are expected to be at Camp from the evening of Friday, August 23 to the evening of Thursday, August 29th.