Annual Trans Rally and March

IMG 1378

May 31, 2024 (WINNIPEG, MB) This year’s theme at Pride Winnipeg is Transcending Together, celebrating, as per Winnipeg Pride, “the collective strength and unity within the queer community.” The empowerment and resiliency of trans people is being honoured and celebrated, and we are reminded to advocate for trans rights and protections.

The Treaty 1 Trans March for 2024 is taking place on Saturday June 1 at the Manitoba
Legislature. Speeches will begin at 10 AM, followed by a march to the Forks at 11 AM; local
trans artists performing on the Forks mainstage at 1 PM.

With transgender issues being increasingly politicized in the public sphere, it is important to
publicly acknowledge how far we have come and to celebrate our existence. Even as the
transgender community in other provinces are fighting battles, locally we are celebrating
victories. Trans advocates on Treaty 1 are engaged in meaningful work, and
accomplishments include the recent gathering for the Trans Day of Remembrance (TDOR)
at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights as well as the passing of a bill to celebrate
transgender and two-spirit day
. A 2 Spirit Sundance, organized by 2 Spirit Manitoba, will be taking place from August 22-25.

Gathering together communally helps strengthen our bonds to one another and reminds us
of the happy futures we are fighting for. Being visible is a statement that declares we need
not disappear into the crowd to be accepted; that we can and will show ourselves to be
vibrant people deserving of respect and love and will not accept anything less.

We also mourn the many losses our community has experienced this past year, and are
proud to honour their memories. This year, the Mamawi stage is honouring the legacies of
Slaytana and Elder Kelly Houle with 2SQTBIPOC performances.

Ceremony will be opened by elder Dr. Albert Mcleod, followed by three addresses from local
2 spirit and trans speakers. Mx Robbin Heartz (“BIG” Daddy Brush•Strokes), Issa Kixen, and
Samaira make up the list of performers.

Many 2 spirit and trans people from the community and those working with various
2SLGBTQ+ serving organizations have come together to form the planning committee for
the march as well as for the TDOR event this year. The organizing committee plans to
continue working in collaboration to develop events centering the needs of the 2 spirit and
trans community.

Press contact is Bryce Byron (ze/hir)
(431) 335-4407